The Morning Blend

Multichannel Strategy

Jesse Flores, Chief Web Pro of SuperWebPros joins The Morning Blend to talk about how to create a multichannel marketing strategy.

Speaker 1 (00:04):


Bob (00:05):

This morning is Morning Blend and we have back with us, Jesse Flores with Super Web Pros. Jesse, good to see ya.

Jesse (00:10):

Hey, great to see you guys. How are you?

Mary (00:11):

Holidays are just around the corner. What are some things people can do to capitalize on the shopping season?

Jesse (00:19):

Yeah, that’s a great question. You know, first thing is you’ve got to have a goal. What do you want to do? You know people sort of look at us and say we’re a web company, so I don’t do a lot of web business, but you know, the reality is a lot of people rely on in store traffic, right? Not just online traffic. And if you set things up right online, you can be driving in store traffic. So that’s the first thing, is you gotta be clear about what your goal is and realize that your software or your website really is there to help enable that. After that, what I’m going to suggest is a simple four step process to help you capitalize on holidays. Number One, make sure you’ve got your email marketing setup. You know, there are a lot of people that are way too timid about email, but especially now when everybody’s receiving it, you want to make sure that you’re at least in that conversation. So you’ve got to make sure that you’ve got that set up and that your emails themselves have calls to action inside of them. Second thing is on your website, install what’s called an exit intent box. Now this is a kind of pop up, right? A lot of people say, I don’t want to do a pop up. It’s really annoying. It can be if it’s the first thing somebody sees when they’re on your website, but if they’ve already been on the site or if they’re getting ready to leave and you’ve got a ‘hey, before you go, here’s a 10% off coupon.’ If you bring it in store, let’s say that’s your goal, or you know, x percent off if you buy online or a onetime use, that’s not obnoxious because someone was already getting ready to leave or they’re already engaged, you’re not interrupting what they’re doing. Third step is connect that exit intent to that email list that you’ve got so that way, the coupon or whatever that offer is automatically gets delivered to them without you having to facilitate or manage that process. Ideally all this is part of a complete lead generation system, but most people aren’t going to have all that set up between now and three weeks from now. So the best thing you can do is make sure your email is set up, get an exit intent popper, connect those two things and make sure that all those are connected to whatever your goal is.

Bob (02:18):

What about live chat?

Jesse (02:19):

Oh, that’s a great question. We install live chat on almost every website that we do and we’re seeing ridiculous conversion rates on those. And the reason is is because a lot of people don’t want to pick up the phone, especially if you’re on mobile, right? This is especially true if you are the younger generation. I would be in that generation, right? And I wouldn’t consider myself young anymore, but lots of people are, I have no qualms with clicking on a chat box. And then typing and you can have those now sent directly to your phone.

Bob (02:47):

We’ve got your information on the screen. Give SuperWebPros a call, 844-Web Pros or Jesse, thank you.

Jesse (02:57):

Hey, thanks guys.

Jesse Flores

Jesse is the Chief Web Pro at SuperWebPros. When he's not trying to see the future, you can find him in quiet contemplation, spending time with his family, or finding an excuse to be outside (in good weather).

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